All 2024 orders will ship on a weekly basis.  All 2025 pre-orders will ship out Fall 2025.

Be sure to check out our soil amendments and garlic accessories!

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Certified organic Culinary- Food Garlic: If you love fresh organic garlic but do not have a garden then organic food garlic is for you. “What is the difference between ‘seed garlic’ and ‘food garlic’?” Seed garlic is the highest grade, most premium garlic we grow with the largest bulb size. Hood River Garlic seed stock is ideal for planting garlic, our organic culinary (AKA table) garlic is the same quality, just smaller bulbs.

Food garlic is the smaller garlic bulbs that do not make the seed standards. These small garlic bulbs are the same exact organic garlic varieties of our seed garlic. Here at Hood River Garlic, we have received many requests for culinary garlic. These are the garlic bulbs that we eat and now they are available to you! Our organic food garlic is the perfect ingredient to add to your favorite recipes. See garlic recipe page for recipe ideas.

Our organic food garlic is available in two different subspecies- softneck and hardneck. The softneck food garlic will be either a silverskin or an artichoke garlic variety. The hardneck food garlic will be a Chesnok Red or Music.